the future is agetech

With 70 million Americans approaching age 65, AgeInnovate is driving the future of AgeTech in Nashville and beyond—connecting entrepreneurs, building community, and inspiring solutions for aging well.


Hosted by Age Innovate in partnership with Aging 2.0 Nashville and sponsored by Community Equity Partners, the first annual Age Innovate event brought together industry leaders, investors, and innovators dedicated to transforming the aging experience. This collaborative event explored cutting-edge solutions and fostered connections to drive positive impact in age tech.


If you are

  • An AgeTech startup founder looking to build community in your industry

  • An investor looking to connect with AgeTech entrepreneurs

  • An Senior Living or Healthcare executive seeking advisory opportunity

  • or an AgeTech curious and hoping to learn more about how you can get involved with the next big care ecosystem

we want to hear from you!